Wondering how to approach a business for sponsorship as a rider and you’re not sure how? Read on! I get approached on a regular basis by riders looking for sponsorship. These are some of the things I look for.
My horse is half Connemara so can grow hair like nobody’s business. Not only does he have a wide crest, but he also has copious amounts of really coarse mane hair. I have learnt over the years through trial and error how to deal with it. Mine won't tolerate it being pulled and I don't blame him! I need to pull half it out to get it to more of a normal thickness.
These are my tips and learnings.
Reviews can make or break a business, especially a small business. How many times have you seen someone have a less than ideal experience with a business, share that experience on social media and the next thing you know, everyone is jumping on the band wagon, heading to that business’s Facebook page and writing scathing reviews, whether they’ve had anything to do with the business or not? I’ve seen it more times that I care to recall.