Decided to try the Paetai purple soap because I liked that it was in a bar rather than in a plastic bottle. This soap performs better than any other purple shampoo I've used over the years, it's way more economical and gentle on sensitive pink skin. I snuck my bar into Australia for Melbourne 3DE and the rest of the team ended up using it too, it's such a great product!
Christen|4/09/2022 5:07 PM
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**Review copied from previous website Being the owner of two grey horses this soap is a lifesaver! I use it in one of Vivant's soap bags and it works really well. Please sell in a 5 pack :) - Kendra
Vivant|20/06/2022 2:31 PM
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Purple soap
**Review copied from previous website I decided to order a bar of purple soap as I had heard it was a amazing. I tried it on my horse that has white socks which were absolutely covered in dirt. After brushing her socks I thought let's try the purple soap and omg it actually works. My horses socks where so white I couldn't believe it. I highly recommend this to anyone who has a horse that has white socks. - Sarah Jones